
II型心肾综合征(Type II cardiorenal syndromeCRSII)属于心肾综合征最为严重的一种,是由慢性心脏功能不全导致肾损伤或肾功能不全,肾功能不全也一定程度上决定了慢性心力衰竭(Chronic heart failure, CHF)患者的预后。目前对CRSII的认识还十分有限,由于其发生率高、预后差,对其发生机制所知甚少,加之缺乏针对性强的有效措施,目前仍是临床医师面临的一个难题。南方医科大学器官衰竭研究国家重点实验室国家肾脏病临床医学研究中心侯凡凡院士及其团队,在II型心肾综合征的发病机理研究上取得重大突破,并将其研究成果“Wnt/β-catenin signaling mediates both heart and kidney injury in type 2 cardiorenal syndrome”发表在肾脏病研究领域的著名期刊《kidney international》上。该团队基于手术缩窄主动脉弓建立的小鼠心力衰竭模型研究,首次提出了II型心肾综合征发病的分子机理图,为II型心肾综合征的预防和治疗提供可重要参考。

Schematic diagram depicts cardiorenal inter-organ cross talk after TAC. Heart injury following TAC activates Wnt/ b -catenin and renin-angiotensin system (RAS) and leads to systemic inflammation with upregulation of TNF- a , IL-1 b , and monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1 in the circulation. Proinflammatory cytokines in the circulation subsequently suppresses renal klotho expression, which leads to the activation of Wnt/β -catenin and RAS in the kidney and causes podocyte and tubular injury and fibroblast activation. As the main source of systemic klotho, depressed renal production of klotho in the damaged kidney directly causes klotho deficiency in the circulation, which further aggravates Wnt-mediated cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and cardiac fibroblast activation after TAC, forming a vicious cycle. (Yue Zhao, etc. 2019)

侯凡凡院士及其团队在研究中,来自云克隆的产品几乎承接所有关键指标的检测。最主要的细胞因子TNF- aMCP-1 IL-1 b检测全部来自于云克隆,分别为SEA133MiELISA Kit for Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha (TNFa))、SEA087MiELISA Kit for Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 1 (MCP1))、SEA563MuELISA Kit for Interleukin 1 Beta (IL1b));肾脏损伤的关键检测指标 klotho以及与心脏损伤的关键检测指标BNP,同样也全部来源于云克隆,分别为SEH757MuELISA Kit for Klotho (KL))和SEA541MuELISA Kit for Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP))。云克隆产品以过硬的质量和品质得到了院士团队的青睐,借以南方医科大学器官衰竭研究国家重点实验室平台为II型心肾综合征的研究贡献了一份绵薄之力。
